Vintage Denim - Glass Colors for Blue Jean Days

Lampworking Soft Glass Color Reference

My series on color families helped me finally achieve my goal of making a mega set. I'm always impressed with artists that can put together a large collection of beads. I could never seem to muster enough energy or interest to make more than four or five.

This concept also worked in combination with my other mission ... to clear out my studio of all 'odds and ends' colors to focus on my stock color collection.

A great beadmaker once said you don't need every single glass color that comes out - focus on working within a stock collection of colors. This hit hard. I didn't want to get caught up in the buy every new color mentality - especially when manufacturers started putting out limited edition and odd lot colors (which I am convinced are just a marketing ploy to make us buy more glass).

My bank account would not be able to keep up.
vintage denim lampwork glass beads

I had 2 rods left of this mystery light blue [old notes lead me to believe it is CIM 519 Glacier] and decided to pair it with silvered ivory, amber, and brown. I also had a mystery jar of frit with all these same colors so they naturally worked together into the largest set of beads I have ever put together. They aren't all the exact same bead, but the same color family with a variety of shapes and styles.

They remind me of some vintage denim jeans - you know the old super stonewashed faded out blue ones from a decade long ago? So many possibilities with these. It was fun.

Are you looking for the perfect glass colors to go with blue jeans? Consider a little silvered ivory stringer wrapped around a pale blue. I think it is the perfect color recipe for that casual denim look.


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