
My first big kid, real artist, glass studio. This page is technically outdated, but sometimes I like looking back on it for fun, and maybe it will inspire other artist who are setting up their studio so I'll keep it here.

The torching station - a Bethlehem Betta torch, part of my collection of presses and bead rollers along with my fancy ice cube tray stringer sorter:
lampworking torch

*part* of my glass lampworking cane. There's another 3 shelves exactly like this one ... and perhaps a pile or two laying around the studio. You can never have enough glass:
lampwork glass rod storage

The bead annealer - my trusty little Jen-Ken kiln that has been with me since the very beginning:
bead annealing kiln

My big boy - Jen-Ken Profusion 16 fiber kiln that does all my fusing and slumping. Take a look at that fancy stand my amazing husband built for me to support the kiln and store all my fusing sheet glass and frits. He's a keeper:
glass fusing kiln

Clever IKEA shelf snuck behind the door  to hold bins, baskets, and shelves of molds, tools, bead release and all the essentials a glass studio needs. One can never have enough storage space:
studio storage shelves

I've moved and have a brand new studio! Check it out.


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